Today is Friday, right???? Things have been so crazy around
here I've missed two installments of Five on Friday, I apologize!!
I have absolutely nothing interesting to write about today...
1. I LOVE Target, love it. I go at least once a week and am fine to
go & just look at stuff & not buy anything, though that rarely happens,
I usually always leave with something.
2. I have made my bed every day for the last 4 days. I've always
said why bother making your bed when you're going to just mess it
up in a few hours. I made it on sheet washing day, and thought it was
so nice to walk in our room & have the bed made & looking good. It made
ME feel good, so I continue to do it.
3. I have enjoyed Aubrey, my daughter, be on Spring Break this week.
She goes to preschool 3 days a week, and I thought I'd lose my mind
having her home all week long, but it has been very nice. It's nice
to not have to get up & run here & there by this certain time. We've
been able to lots of fun this week. I know she misses school & her
friends, but I've enjoyed having her home with me.
4. I really want to go see Vanilla Ice in Huntsville this weekend..
it may be tonight...but I know my husband wouldn't go for that at all!
I love me some 80's/90's music.
5. That's all I can come up for now, I have to get us all ready to go
to town, which includes a trip to second this week :)
Have a wonderful weekend!!